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2024 Fall Business Hybrid Meeting Registration

Trinity-St. Andrew's UC, Brighton

  • Please begin registration here

    For those joining by Zoom, please click Zoom down below to receive your link on Friday, November 15th.
  • Please use this space only if you would like your name to appear differently than your legal name.
  • Please share what pronouns you use (if you feel comfortable doing so)
  • Privacy information and consent

  • The East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) protects your personal information by adhering to all legislative requirements with respect to privacy. The collection of information on this registration form is for the purposes of the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) only. Please be aware that photography and videotaping will occur at East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) meetings. Photos or videos of participants may, or may not, be taken during the event/activities. In turn these images may be published in print or posted online on our website photo galleries or used at the discretion of the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC). By submitting this registration form you are indicating your consent to the collection and use of your information and photo and/or video for the use of the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC).
  • Status at meeting and voting eligibility

  • Please choose the one answer that best describes your role the type and status of your ministry.
  • Please choose one answer that best describes your roll in this gathering.
  • The name of your Community of Faith
  • Accessibility

  • Please let us know if you need large print materials, American Sign Language interpretation, or visual loss accommodation? What else do you need to make the meeting accessible for you?
  • Lunch and Dietary Requirements

    Coffee and tea will be available at registration with a catered luncheon to follow around 12:30. Please note there is a $10 fee for lunch and the Regional Council will provide the coffee, tea and snacks. Cash will be accepted at registration or etransfer can be sent to kwilson@united-church.ca with "ECORC lunch" in the note section.
  • Please choose an option below:
  • Meeting Attendance

  • Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan

    As we move towards reducing our Carbon Footprint, we are asking for your help in tracking how we travel for Regional Council meetings and/or responsibilities. This information will be tracked and compiled at the end of each year. Thank you for taking a moment to fill out the information below.
  • Did you know? If you carpool, as an incentive, the driver receives an extra 2 cents / km.
  • Please tell us the type of vehicle
  • Please fill this in regardless of how you travelled - thank you.
  • Emergency Contact (For In-Person ONLY)

    You do not need to fill this out if attending via Zoom
  • End of registration - click Submit to complete

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.