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Office of Vocation

The Office of Vocation supports the processes for the discernment and training of ministry personnel, the determination of their fitness/readiness for accreditation, the fulfillment of continuing education standards, and the formal processes for oversight and discipline of ministry personnel.

For more info, visit: United Church of Canada – Office of Vocation


ChurchHub.ca is part of a significant shift in the life of our church and how we live out our call to ministry and discipleship. It is both a policy that was passed by General Council to be “regularized as the required process for ministry personnel and communities of faith to search for calls and appointments” and the support structure for communication between the denomination, ministry personnel, communities of faith and members who participate in regional and denominational ministry. 

All Ministry Personnel and Pastoral Charge Communities of Faith have now received an invitation to join ChurchHub. If you or your community haven’t received your invitation, we may have an outdated email. Please email ministry@united-church.ca with your updated information.

Watch these videos to learn more:

For more info, visit: United Church of Canada – ChurchHub

Candidacy Pathway

The Office of Vocation also relates to candidates for ministry through the Candidacy Boards. The Candidacy Pathway is the process for entering ministry in The United Church of Canada.

For more info, visit: United Church of Canada – Candidacy Pathway

Reverend Caroline Penhale

Vocational Minister – Candidacy Pathway for East Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario Outaouais and Nakonha:ka Regional Councils

Phone: 1-800-268-3781 Ext. 2009
Email: CPenhale@united-church.ca

Rev. Caroline Penhale Lukacs is the Vocational Minister responsible for Quebec and East Ontario. She serves as staff support to the Quebec and East Ontario Candidacy Board, accompanies applicants and candidates along the Candidacy Pathway, and serves as a Vocational Minister to clergy serving in the Nakonha:ka, East Central Ontario and Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regions. Caroline is bilingual (French and English) and comes to this work after serving as a campus minister, life coach, vocational counsellor and mental health advocate and program developer. She has also served as a congregational minister, most recently at the Orleans United Church, Ottawa.