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The Cathedral of the Trees: Algonquin Park Network: Time at Algonquin Park to enjoy and be renewed by the wonders of this jewel of nature and to provide a ministry that helps others to do and express the same. We celebrate the third year of this official combined network of the two Regional Councils- East Central Ontario and Eastern Ontario Outaouais. Please use the form below to register. The deadline is Thursday March 20th and you will receive notice by email by April 11th.

2025 Leadership Application- Cathedral of the Trees- Algonquin Park Summer Trailer

Clergy and their families to enjoy the use of the trailer from Friday to Friday. Clergy to offer worship leadership at the weekly outdoor Interfaith service on Sunday.

  • Cathedral of the Trees - Algonquin Park Network

    Application Form to Lead Forest Church/Wild Church in Algonquin Park. Ministry leader to lead the outdoor worship on Sunday at 10:00am and use the trailer for a week- Friday to Friday. Deadline to apply is Thursday March 20, 2025. You will be notified by email by April 11, 2025.
  • Privacy information and consent

  • The East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) protects your personal information by adhering to all legislative requirements with respect to privacy. The collection of information on this registration form is for the purposes of the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) only.
  • Please tell us more about your path of Ministry. Are you in a call or appointment.
  • Availability

    Please use the three questions below to indicate your first, second and third choice of a week at the trailer.
  • The 30 foot trailer can sleep up to 8 persons. 1 queen bed, 2 single bunks, 2 double beds- (the couch and table convert.) • The trailer includes stove, fridge and cupboards. It will be hooked up for electricity but not for water. You will need to use the park bathrooms and showers. There is a dinning tent that can be set up on the site. The site also allows 1 camping tent (you need to bring your own).
  • We would like to create a contact list to share between those who are offering leadership at the trailer. Adding your phone number here will give consent to share.
  • End of application - click Submit to complete

    (After you click submit- you will receive a automated confirmation email to indicate that your application has been submitted. You will also receive a follow up email on April 12th)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.