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The Network of Creative Types

Introducing The Network of Creative Types! Hi, I’m Rev Aaron and I just started The Network of Creative Types of the United Church. As part of my faith journey, I make Youtube videos and am learning watercolours. I made this network to connect people doing creative stuff around faith, spirituality, community building and social justice. I’m an Affirming minister and I’m theologically-curious, so I’m hoping to offer genuine welcome across the theological spectrum of our church (including progressive, affirming and conservative voices). This network is for every kind, every age and every level of creativity and creative work, so we can encounter one another’s diverse arts and gifts. There are no commitments or fees. Welcome.

Connect with the Network of Creative Types: This is an emerging project, meaning, the direction of this Network will be shaped by those who want to be involved. If you’d like to connect, please email the group. Available for speaking engagements. To share your projects, meet other creative folks, and find out about special events, please join the email list and visit our website.

Welcome Video: https://youtu.be/H_0VkZ-NR8M?si=FEhsBVbiYGp8a56W