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Meet our Staff

Please note that as of January 15, 2025, we no longer have personal extensions. You can still call toll free at 1-800-268-3781 where you will be directed by an operator as to whom you are trying to reach. You will also note below, that some staff now have a direct line which is noted on their profile. 

Reverend Éric Hébert-Daly

Reverend Éric Hébert-Daly

Executive Minister for ECORC

Direct Phone Number: 1-343-655-2906 
Email: ehebertdaly@united-church.ca

Éric is Executive Minister for East Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario Outaouais and Nakonha:ka regional councils. Click HERE for more information.

Joel Miller

Joel Miller

Program Assistant to the Executive Minister

Direct Phone Number: 1-514-819-2926
Email: JMiller@united-church.ca

Joel Miller, most recently Office Administrator for the Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference, is focused on providing lead administrative support to the Executive Minister of the Regional Councils 11, 12 & 13. Joel has a primary office in Lachine, Québec.

Reverend Darren Liepold

Reverend Darren Liepold

Congregational Support Minister / Acting Pastoral Relations Minister

Direct Phone Number: 1-365-809-0743
Email: Dliepold@united-church.ca

Darren is an Ordained Minister in The United Church of Canada (Saskatchewan 1990). He has provided Intentional Interim leadership in various urban and rural pastoral charges of the former Toronto Conference, in Saskatchewan, in Australia and as the Mission and Service Fund Officer for the General Council Office. Click here for more information.

Reverend Caroline Penhale Lukacs

Reverend Caroline Penhale Lukacs

Vocational Minister responsible for the Candidacy Pathway

Phone: 1-800-268-3781 
Email: CPenhale@united-church.ca

Rev. Caroline Penhale Lukacs is the Vocational Minister responsible for Quebec and East Ontario. Click HERE for more information.

Brian James

Brian James


Email: Brian James

As treasurer for ECORC, some of Brian’s duties include preparing the next year’s budget for presentation at the fall semi-annual meeting, working with the various teams to develop budgets for the teams, circulating financial information when received from GCO account service, reviewing financial information from account services to ensure accuracy and proper allocations to accounts and more. Click HERE to continue.

Reverend Tori Mullin

Reverend Tori Mullin

Growth Animator for Eastern Ontario Outaouais, Nakonha:ka, East Central Ontario regional councils

Email: Tmullin@united-church.ca
Schedule a call: Click HERE

Tori (they/ielle) is the Growth Animator for Eastern Ontario Outaouais, Nakonha:ka, East Central Ontario regional councils. Their work focuses on strengthening invitation to the United Church, renewing communities of faith and helping to create new ministries.

Reverend Roger Janes

Reverend Roger Janes

Community of Faith Stewardship Support Staff, Philanthropy Unit

Phone: 1-709-707-5383
Email: rjanes@united-church.ca

Roger supports churches and individuals in all areas of stewardship whether that be setting and reaching mission and service goals, developing an annual budget or leaving a legacy gift. To book a conversation with Roger, please use this LINK and select: Book Roger Janes for a 30 minute Stewardship conversation.

Reverend Rodney Smith-Merkley

Reverend Rodney Smith-Merkley

Minister for Respectful Relationship and Indigenous Justice

Phone: 1-800-268-3781
Email: RSMerkley@united-church.ca

Rodney’s focus is to promote/resource/support ECORC priorities around Truth and Reconciliation. 

Sharon Hull

Sharon Hull

Minister for Spiritual Nurture, Respectful Relationships and Justice with All Ages

Direct Phone Number: 1-365-501-2161
Email: SHull@united-church.ca

Sharon’s focus is to promote/resource/support ECORC priorities around faith formation, ecumenical and inter-faith relationships, regeneration and new ministries, lifelong education, and social justice with all ages and stages. Click here for more information.

Karen Wilson

Karen Wilson

Communications and Administration Assistant

Direct Phone Number: 1-365-501-2162 
Email: kwilson@united-church.ca

The focus of this position is to expand community engagement and connections, particularly (but not exclusively) through use of the ECORC website, social media platforms and internal & external publications. This position also responds to general inquiries to the ECORC. Karen works from a virtual office 4 days/week which can have flexible hours to allow for evening/weekend events.

Reverend Deborah Roi

Reverend Deborah Roi

Pastoral Relations Minister (Currently on Restorative Leave)

Phone: 1-800-268-3781
Email: DRoi@united-church.ca

Debbie comes to us with significant ministry experience since completing her M.Div. at Queen’s. Serving at Parkdale United (Ottawa), Trinity-St. Andrews (Renfrew), St. Andrew’s United (Pakenham) and currently serving at Carp-Dunrobin Pastoral Charge, she has also been involved in the Bay of Quinte Conference and Renfrew Presbytery over the years. She comes to us with a passion for fostering joy in ministry and a strong pastoral heart and presence. 

Martha Pedoniquotte

Martha Pedoniquotte


Phone: 519-373-2860
Email: Martha Pedoniquotte

Martha will be working with the Indigenous communities of faith in Ontario and Quebec as we continue the journey of living with respectful relationships. Click for more information.

Tim Hackborn

Tim Hackborn


Phone: 1-800-268-3781 
Email: Tim Hackborn

Tim’s work supports the Candidacy Pathway and the oversight and discipline of ministry personnel for the Indigenous Church across Canada.

Kyle Pugh

Kyle Pugh


Phone Number: 437-703-2286
Email: Kyle Pugh



Robin Brunelle

Robin Brunelle


Phone Number: 437-703-2286
Email: Robin Brunelle

Elizabeth Mathew

Elizabeth Mathew


Phone Number: 437-703-2286
Email: emathew@united-church.ca

Jocelyn Oprzedek

Jocelyn Oprzedek


Phone Number: 437-703-2286
Email: joprzedek@united-church.ca