Attendee “PERSONAL” Equity Scorecard by Karen Wilson | Apr 23, 2024 | Equity, Evaluation Attendee "PERSONAL" Equity Evaluation Form For those in attendance at meetings both in person and virtual Attendee "PERSONAL" Equity Evaluation FormPlease use this form to share your Equity observations and/or concerns with us. The Equity Team will review the feedback and it may or may not be shared with the Facilitation Team, Assembly of Elders and/or the Host of the meeting. All identification will be kept confidential. Thank you.Name*We ask for your name in case we have any questions or follow up with you. First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Meeting Name and Date*Was the meeting in person or virtual?*Equity PrioritiesPlease answer the following questionsMaterials sent 5 days in advance* A - Excellent B - Great C - Average D - Below Average E - N/A Any other comments/concerns related to this question?Respect for Personal Pronouns* A - Excellent B - Great C - Average D - Below Average E - N/A Any other comments/concerns related to this question?Inclusive Language* A - Excellent B - Great C - Average D - Below Average E - N/A Any other comments/concerns related to this question?Speakers Self Identifying* A - Excellent B - Great C - Average D - Below Average E - N/A Any other comments/concerns related to this question?Dietary Needs Met* A - Excellent B - Great C - Average D - Below Average E - N/A Any other comments/concerns related to this question?Scent Free Environment* A - Excellent B - Great C - Average D - Below Average E - N/A Any other comments/concerns related to this question?Accessible/Gender Neutral Washrooms* A - Excellent B - Great C - Average D - Below Average E - N/A Any other comments/concerns related to this question?Printed Material/Large Print for those without computer access*We do ask prior to meetings that you download materials to your devices OR print at home or your community of faith A - Excellent B - Great C - Average D - Below Average E - N/A Any other comments/concerns related to this question?Accomodations for persons with mental health - Quiet Space* A - Excellent B - Great C - Average D - Below Average E - N/A Any other comments/concerns related to this question?Other Equity Comments and/or Concerns not listed abovePrivacy information and consentThe East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) protects your personal information by adhering to all legislative requirements with respect to privacy. The collection of information on this registration form is for the purposes of the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) only. Consent* I agree to the privacy policy and the collection of personal information.End of registration - click Submit to completeNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.