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Category: Call for Interest

Long Term Care Crisis - We would like to form an ECORC Long Term Care Network, and we need your help! Back in 2021, a small group of us from ECORC who were able to join in a national conversation on the crisis in long term care facilities. We would like to connect with others in our Regional Council who are also concerned about the quality of both spiritual and physical care in long term care facilities. Together we can make a difference. Please click this link to join a mailing list to gather...

Dixie Shilling and her father Murray Whetung were strong leaders first within the Bay of Quinte Conference and then ECORC.  Perhaps you or your Community of Faith would consider supporting a bursary in her honour. The Dixie Shilling Memorial Student Bursary was established by Curve Lake United Church to honour the life of a much-loved community member, Dixie Shilling (1947 - 2022). Dixie’s contribution to community was acknowledged in 2006, when she received an Anishinaabe Lifetime Achievement...

GLI Club Podcast In response to the United Church of Canada's initiative to advocate for a Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI) in Canada, Rev. Cathy Russell of Bloomfield United Church and Rev. Isaac Mundy of Trenton United Church have launched a new limited run podcast called GLI Club. In this podcast (a kind of radio program you listen to on your computer) we'll be speaking with an amazing group of experts for a faith-filled discussion about the movement to introduce Basic Income in Canada. Just...

Rural Connect Congregations have embraced numerous ways to stay connected over the past year. What more can we do? What could help small and rural congregations, particularly those who are struggling? The Rural Connect program responds the need for support expressed at  to General Council 43. Through the use of professional quality equipment, a hub location and up to three satellite locations can join together in live, interactive worship. St. Mark’s, Cannifton, is the first “hub” congregation...

Care of Creation – We would like to form an ECORC Care of Creation Network and we need your help! There was a small group of us from ECORC who were able to join in a national conversation on the Care of Creation. We would like to connect with others in our Regional Council who are also concerned about our call to be better stewards of creation. Together we can make a difference. Please click this link to join a mailing list to gather together. If you have any questions please email Sharon...

What if all citizens had a Guaranteed Livable Income (G.L.I)? How might our taxes be used to transform our communities and give the thousands of our brothers and sisters the support they need to contribute their gifts to our local economies and communities? ECORC has started a regional network for congregations passionate about this Kairos movement. The GLI network will be a source of information, inspiration, and support for congregations who wish to be a part of this national grassroots move...