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Category: Communities of Faith

Final Service for Northminster United Church, on April 27/25, 10:30 am located at 676 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. It is with "celebration" that the Congregation announces the closure of Northminster United Church, established in 1928. A warm welcome is extended to anyone who wishes to attend our final church service. Sincerely, The Council of Northminster United Church.

It is Annual meeting time. Once again the region is asking that Communities of Faith send in their annual reports so that the region may support your work better. It is best to send in a scanned version via email to Darren at dliepold@united-church.ca For those of you who do not have the ability to scan in your reports, please contact Darren at 1.800.268.3781 ext 6116 and between us we will find a way that your report can be reviewed by the region. We hope to have all reports in by the 30th of...