We will post information and news items produced by the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) here as they become available.

Rural Connect – Call for Interest
Rural Connect Congregations have embraced numerous ways to stay connected over the past year. What more can we do? What could help small and rural congregations, particularly those who are struggling? The Rural Connect program responds the need for support expressed...

ECORC Care of Creation Network
Care of Creation – We would like to form an ECORC Care of Creation Network and we need your help! There was a small group of us from ECORC who were able to join in a national conversation on the Care of Creation. We would like to connect with others in our Regional...

Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI) Network
What if all citizens had a Guaranteed Livable Income (G.L.I)? How might our taxes be used to transform our communities and give the thousands of our brothers and sisters the support they need to contribute their gifts to our local economies and communities? ECORC has...

Children, youth and young adult leaders, sign up for our mailing list!
Sharon Hull, the Regional Council staff person for All Ages invites you to sign up for this new and improved mailing list to stay in touch and stay informed.