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Equity Forum

At our 2024 Spring General Meeting, it was recommended by our Governance Review Task Group that the Equity Team become a Forum who is accountable to the Council of Elders. This was accepted by the Regional Council. What does this mean? It means that the Equity Forum is now a body appointed by the Regional Council to assist in the work of the Regional Council. A Forum is created to provide guidance and service to a Leadership Team in the completion of a specific mandate and a Forum and its members are accountable to its designated Leadership Team and the Regional Council. It also means that those interested in being on a Forum do not have to go through the Nominations process. Members of the Forum are recruited by the respective Leadership Team and selected for the expertise, knowledge and skill required to perform the assigned task. Membership of a Forum is approved by the Regional Council or the Council of Elders. If you feel that you are being called to be a member of the Equity Forum, please email ecorcequity11@gmail.com

Fall 2024 Book Study – Information Coming Soon!!

The Equity Forum of ECORC is hosting a book study of Dr. Amy Kenny’s book “My Body is not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church.”   This will be a 5 week evening series starting the third week in October and running until the middle of November. Watch for more information to follow soon!

Equity Scorecards

We have created three Equity Scorecards: Equity Support Person’s “VIRTUAL” Scorecard, Equity Support Person’s “IN-PERSON” Scorecard and Attendee “PERSONAL” Equity Scorecard. We ask those who are acting as Equity Support Person(s) to fill out these scorecards after each meeting. For those who are attending a meeting, you are welcome to fill out a scorecard as well. These are fillable forms and submitted immediately. They will then be shared and discussed with the Equity Forum and will help us identify where we may not necessarily be aware of any actions or observations that come under the equity banner.

Captioning Videos

ECORC videos are now being captioned and reviewed by Karen Wilson. If possible, please include a script or transcript and send to our Equity email at ecorcequity11@gmail.com

Zoom Captioning and Transcript

Did you know that Zoom now offers closed captioning and a transcript? The transcript is a great tool for minutes and very easy to access. Please visit our ECORC Equity YouTube channel to learn all about captioning and using the transcript!