Welcome to an Affirming Soirée on Wed, Aug 2nd from 5-7 p.m. at Cressy Glenora united Church, 3442 Country Rd 7, Prince Edward County. Our Affirming Soirée is a celebration upon becoming an Affirming Ministry!
…for solidarity with your grandchild & family
…because we want to offer a safe spiritual home to everyone
…to experience the gospel of love in action
…because you’re curious about what an LGBTQAI+ affirming church is like
…because you don’t have to choose between your faith and your family
…and let’s build a community where everyone is safe to be themselves
…to celebrate that we are changing our hearts & minds to each other!
Rev. Jackie Harper will be present to present our official Affirming certificate. A jazzy event. Mocktails and finger food to be served. All are warmly welcome. Wheel-chair accessible. 20 minutes drive from Picton. Parking on-site.