Harvard University is talking about it. The Vatican is talking about it. UNESCO, Delta Airlines and MetLife are talking about it. And we want Canada to talk about it, too:
Join the Moderator as she embarks on a three-year journey to connect with the nation on big questions about how to flourish – in church, among our leadership, and within the broader community. Join the dialogue on this question of flourishing, and how it could influence our future.
Friday, Nov. 10: from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m – Congregational workshop at Crossroads United Church, 690 Sir John A. MacDonald Blvd., Kingston
The Mod’s Book Squad
Have you chosen your beach read yet? We have a whole list for you! Starting Sept. 21, 2023, join Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and her guest in one of Canada’s biggest online book clubs. Confirmed guests include Elizabeth May, Debra Thompson, Charlie Angus, Raja Khouri and David Giuliano, among others.
Until June 2025, these (mostly) monthly book club sessions will feature fiction, non-fiction and poetry written by (mostly) Canadian authors. Sign up for one session, for a few or for all of them. Through a lens of flourishing, the books explore:
To find out more, email flourishing@united-church.ca.