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Doing Mission Together Grants

Funding projects and activities for mission objectives of the East Central Ontario Regional Council

We are excited to report the Doing Mission Together Grants for 2021-2023:

2023 Doing Mission Together Grants :

  • St. Matthew’s Table and Food Pantry (St. Matthews UC, Belleville) for $5,000
  • United Community Ministry for $1,000
  • Bedford House Community Ministry / Greenwood  for $5,000
  • Crossroads United Church for $2,000
  • St Andrew’s By-The-Lake United Church for $3,850
  • Women’s Retreat – Kathleen Whyte $1,100 (attendees also apply to the Investment in Leadership Fund)
  • Trinity St Andrew’s United Church (Brighton) for  $5,000

2022 Doing Mission Together Grants :

  • Provision of Daily Hot Lunches in Downtown Belleville (Bridge Street UC) for $5,000
  • ECORC Investment in Leaders Fund for $4,190 (to be created)
  • Grace United Church, Napanee – Good Neighbours Feast for $3,600
  • Greenwood United Church / Bedford House Community Ministry- Kick-starting the Catalyst Fund for $5,000
  • Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors – Women’s retreat (Sept 2022) for $2,210
  •  Trinity St. Andrew’s UC, Brighton Community Group (HUGS- Helping Ukrainians get settled in Brighton) for $5,000

2021 Doing Mission Together Grants:

  • Grace United Church, Peterborough – Project H.O.P.E  for $5,000
  • Emmanuel UC  Mission & Outreach Committee, Peterborough – Food Boxes, a healthy and dignified entry point into Nourish programming for $5,000
  • Marks United, Cannifton – Evaluating the potential of Rural Connect in ECORC for $5,000
  • Paul’s United, Warkworth – The Community Abundance Project for $4,999
  • Claremont United Church – Journeys to Justice for $3,000
  • Stacey and The Faith United Youth Group, Courtice – Mini Pantry – Food & Basic Needs Outreach for $300
  • Bridge Street United Church, Belleville – Extension of Daily (Pandemic) Lunch Program for $5,000

The Council of Elders of the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) will award “Doing Mission Together Grants” to support Clusters, Networks, and Communities of Faith to further ECORC mission objectives. $20,000 (total for 2023) will be made available to support the funding of programming.

The submission form can be found on this page. It will allow you to upload documents, including a void cheque for banking.

Criteria for selection

a) designated priority of ECORC;

NOTE: Designated priorities of the ECORC will be reaffirmed at the Spring Meeting each year. ECORC Priorities for 2022 and 2023 are:

✓ Diversity and Inclusion: supporting the full participation of all people – with attention to intersectionality
(Anti-racism, Affirming, Interfaith, Intercultural, Respectful Relationships with Indigenous Peoples)
✓ Climate and environment: Living with Respect in Creation
✓ Economic Justice and Community Development
✓ Investing in new Church Development and Innovative Ministries
✓ Support refugees and those fleeing violence
✓ Building ECORC up as the body of Christ (through Spiritual development) as a mission priority

b) quantitative and qualitative valuation (number reached or helped; vulnerable sectors; number of participating Communities of Faith);
c) other funding sources (positive consideration for partnerships and/or participant commitments);
d) maximum Grant request not to exceed $5,000; and
e) granting body may consider less than full amount of request

NOTE: The application must indicate whether partial funding will be considered; if requests exceed $20,000, granting body might consider applications for less than full funding. This might apply particularly to applications that less fully match above criteria (i.e. Is it all or nothing? If full funding is not available would partial funding be acceptable?).

f) Granting body may consider granting in excess of $5,000:

  1. if in consultation with applicant, more funds may be awarded for a particularly critical or worthy project; and
  2. if total requests are less than $20,000, the balance may be distributed among approved applications.


2025/2026 Doing Mission Together Funding Application

  • Doing Mission Together Grant applications are received and awarded twice a year, with $20,000 allocated for the year.

    The application deadlines are:
    * May 1 for fall programming
    * November 1 for winter and summer programming.

    Applications may be submitted earlier. Grants are awarded for projects being initiated in the six-month time frame – funding may be distributed over a 12-month period.

  • Preference will be given to new applicants. Those who have previously received funds may still be funded- depending upon the number of applications.
  • Up to $5,000
    Please enter a number less than or equal to 5000.00.
  • Contact information

  • Direct deposit banking information:

    Payments are being made strictly by direct deposit and no cheques are being issued. Please attach a void cheque or direct deposit form (now available through your bank app). There is an option to upload files and supporting documentation later in this form.
  • Cheque information
  • The name of the account holder/s please
  • Application information:

  • Which ECORC Priority does your application fall under?
  • Suggested questions:
    1. What is happening?
    2. Who is involved and who is invited?
    3. When is it occurring?
    4. How will it be done?
  • Who will benefit? What is the measurable change?
  • Suggested questions:
    • * What is the total budget?
    • * How will it be funded?
    • * Provide an Income Expense Statement
    • * What commitment is being made by participants?
    • * How much is being requested?
  • Please use this to include your void cheque or direct deposit form, in addition al any other supporting documentation you might have.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 16 MB.
    • Grant recipients will be asked to submit a final report to the Formation, Nurture and Justice Team of the Regional Council upon completion. Please include the following elements in the final report:
      1. How the funds were used. A simple chart that lists the expenditures paid for by the grant would be helpful;
      2. The way this project was able to make an impact. Include the number of people involved in the program, and what was accomplished/generated/produced/created;
      3. A personal story of transformation from a recipient or participant (50 words or less);
      4. As well, please attach two or three color photos (250-300 dpi) showing the completed project in action along with your permission to share so that we can promote your work.
    • End of Application - click Submit to complete

    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.