A Network to support the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) Licensed Lay Worship Leaders (LLWLs)
Find the LLWL FORUM webpage (under “Ministry Teams” – Forums”) which provides specific details on LLWL Forum — including purpose, membership, meetings and duties.
The LLWL Network is for all currently approved LLWLs and any students in the United-in-Learning course of study. Online gatherings are held 3-4 times each year, with the opportunity to share ideas and feedback for the LLWL Forum. There are also 2 PD learning opportunities every year organized by the LLWL Forum, usually in the Spring and Fall. Susan Pleasance is the current LLWL Network chair and Paul Kneebone the secretary.
Please contact Paul Kneebone (LLWL Forum – Secretary) if you require further information