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A Network to support the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) Licensed Lay Worship Leaders (LLWLs)

Find the LLWL FORUM webpage (under “Ministry Teams” – Forums”) which provides specific details on LLWL Forum — including purpose, membership, meetings and duties.

The LLWL Network is for all currently approved LLWLs and any students in the United-in-Learning course of study.  Online gatherings are held 3-4 times each year, with the opportunity to share ideas and feedback for the LLWL Forum.  There are also 2 PD learning opportunities every year organized by the LLWL Forum, usually in the Spring and Fall. Susan Pleasance is the current LLWL Network chair and Paul Kneebone the secretary.​

Please contact Paul Kneebone (LLWL Forum – Secretary) if you require further information