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The ECORC Affirming Forum

The East Central Ontario (ECO) Regional Council has formed an Affirming Ministries Network. The ECORC Affirming Forum helps the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC)  create a space and an awareness of what full inclusion would look like. The ECORC Affirming Forum will also support the work of the ECORC living into being an Affirming Regional Council. Everyone is welcome to join this network- individuals, Communities of Faith – those who are new and seeking information, those who have been doing this for many years. Follow ECORC’s weekly newsletter for information about upcoming network gatherings.

The 150 members in attendance, at the June 2021 ECORC AGM, voted to become fully Affirming. A celebration was held September 29, 2021 with guest speaker Jordan Sullivan. Included in the celebrations was a VIBE (Venturing in Biblical Experiences) presentation on the meaning of the colours of the rainbow along with  pre-recorded songs by David Kai and a mother and son duo, Kerri and Alex Jebson. Wanda Stride contributed an original piece of music, “Take Time to Listen”. We would like to thank the past chair and co-chairs of the Affirming Forum for all of the work done so far to make ECO RC an Affirming RC – Rev. Elizabeth Macdonald, Doug Farris and Sharon Woodrow.

For a list of Affirming Ministries in the East Central Ontario Regional Council of the United Church of Canada – please visit ECORC Affirming Ministries – East Central Ontario Regional Council of the United Church of Canada (ecorcuccan.ca)

Affirming Forum Action Plan

  • To work with Teams and Forums on needs and objectives
  • Networking to provide support to Affirming Communities of Faith
  • Intersectionality focusing on Indigenous Justice and Anti-racism
  • Measurable Goals: setting and measuring effectiveness of actions, using the Guiding Principles that follow the ECORC Statement.

Please direct inquiries about the ECORC Affirming Forum to the co-chairs Kimberly Collins and Joyce Payne, using email AffirmingECORC@gmail.com.


Staff Support:
Sharon Hull – Minister for Spiritual Nurture, Respectful Relationships and Justice with All Ages, is the staff supporting this forum and network.
Phone: 1-800-268-3781 Ext. 6165
Email: Shull@united-church.ca

Sharon’s focus is to promote/resource/support ECORC priorities around faith formation, ecumenical and inter-faith relationships, regeneration and new ministries, lifelong education, and social justice with all ages and stages.