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Almost weekly it seems we get requests from congregations who are wishing to do pulpit supply. I often send them the names of the Licensed Lay Worship Leaders, Retired Ministers, and the names of other ministers who might be available. However I thought a more detailed list might make things easier for congregations looking to fill their pulpits on Sunday morning.

Could you please fill in the form below. Any questions, please contact Darren at dliepold@united-church.ca

ECORC Pulpit Supply List

  • Information for Master Pulpit Supply List

    A detailed list might make things easier for congregations looking to fill their pulpits on Sunday morning. This information will be sent to Rev. Darren Liepold and Staff person, Karen Wilson
  • Please choose the one answer that best describes the status of your ministry.
  • (to do pulpit supply we would ask that your police record checks be up to date and also your boundaries training is up to date)
  • Please use this space to let us know how many km's you are willing to travel one way for a pulpit supply engagement
  • Privacy information and consent

  • The East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) protects your personal information by adhering to all legislative requirements with respect to privacy. The collection of information on this registration form is for the purposes of the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) only. Please be aware that photography and videotaping will occur at East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) meetings. Photos or videos of participants may, or may not, be taken during the event/activities. In turn these images may be published in print or posted online on our website photo galleries or used at the discretion of the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC). By submitting this registration form you are indicating your consent to the collection and use of your information and photo and/or video for the use of the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC).
  • Please click Submit to complete

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.