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Facilitation Forum

Current Members:

  • Rev. Wanda Stride – Chair
  • Stephen (Steve) Coles
  • Brian James
  • Rev. Nancy Clarke – Equity Forum Rep
  • Rev. Jean Wilson
  • Sharon Hull – Youth and Young Adults Rep
  • Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly – Executive Minister
  • Karen Wilson – Staff Support


Who We Are and What We Do:

Facilitation Forum Narrative: The Facilitation Forum is made up of individuals appointed by the Council of Elders with consideration of their experience, knowledge and interest in the governing procedures and needs of the Regional Council for the purpose of preparing gatherings of the Regional Council. The Facilitation Forum may include lay and ordered individuals and shall work closely with representatives of host communities responsible for local arrangements.

Purpose: The Facilitation Forum supports the Council of Elders, East Central Ontario Regional Council scheduling and preparing for gatherings of the Regional Council Spring and Fall meetings, Celebration of Ministry Services and may include educational and special presentations.

Membership: The Facilitation Forum shall consist of those appointed by the Council of Elders and would ideally include members of the Council of Elders, individuals familiar with the work of the Leadership Teams, and those who with agenda and planning experience. It would be recommended that the Speaker of the Council of Elders serve on the Facilitation Forum.

Terms: Members will serve for three (3) years (terms will be staggered so that there will never be a new slate at the end of terms).

Meetings: Members of the Forum may be assigned specific responsibilities such as AV/IT, worship, agenda planning, local arrangements. The Facilitation Forum shall typically meet monthly but more frequently in the lead up to in person meetings of the Regional Council for the purpose of coordination and integration of planning.


  1. Propose dates and formats for Spring and Fall meetings of the Regional Council, as directed by the Council of Elders, including any pre or post meeting events, to schedule dates for Celebration of Ministry services as required.
  2. Seek and recommend host sites for meetings for approval by the Council of Elders, provide required instruction and direction to local arrangement teams.
  3. To plan and support the meetings of the Regional Council balancing discernment, business, worship, fellowship, and education.
  4. To secure appropriate leadership and resources for all meetings of the Regional Council

Contact: Chair – Rev. Wanda Stride

Staff Support: The Facilitation Forum is supported by the Executive Minister and, at the discretion of the Executive Minister, may utilize staff for the design and leadership of meeting components. Additional staff may be assigned to support ongoing work.