The ECORC Retirees Forum
A Forum to support the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) Covenant Support Team and the ECORC Pastoral Relations Minister in the care and support of all those in receipt of United Church pensions in the East Central Ontario Regional Council of the United Church of Canada.
The leaders of the Retirees Forum (Caroline Giesbrecht, Ian Robb and Elizabeth Macdonald) are looking for additional input from retired Ministry Personnel presence in the East, North and west of the ECORC region. Your thoughts, comments and ideas for future events are most welcome.
- To support the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) Covenant Support Team and the ECORC Pastoral Relations Minister in the care and support of all those in receipt of United Church pensions in the East Central Ontario Regional Council of the United Church of Canada.
- To provide ongoing contact with and organize gatherings for Retirees.
Six (6) to twelve (12) people from across the ECORC who are interested in the care and support of all those in receipt of United Church pensions. One member shall be named Secretary of the Retirees Forum.
The Retirees Forum shall meet as required at the call of the Pastoral Relations Minister, and the Secretary of the Retirees Forum, and will meet regularly six times per year; hopefully by teleconferencing.
Accountable to and directed by the ECORC Covenant Support Team, the ECORC Retirees Forum shall:
- remain in contact with the Retirees, touching base annually;
- organize gatherings of Retirees where possible, respecting and supporting the long-standing traditions in various places of meals and celebrations;
- listen and raise such issues that are heard by the ECORC Pastoral Relations Minister, the ECORC Covenant Support Team, the ECORC Assembly of Elders and the wider church as appropriate;
- welcome new Retirees, by providing accompaniment and mentoring in the midst of the transition; and
- organize an Annual Celebration of Retirements.
The Secretary of the Retirees Forum
The Secretary shall maintain a list of the contact information of all Retirees in the East Central Ontario Regional Council. This list shall be shared with the ECORC Communications and Administration Assistant.
Contact Us
If you are interested in participating in the ECORC Retirees Forum, please contact our Secretary, Caroline Giesbrecht
Secondary contact:
Phone: 1-800-268-3781 Ext. 6116

Interviews with Retired Church ministers and leaders who are prepared to share their life perspectives and opinions with us are interviewed by retired minister Elizabeth Macdonald. Elizabeth was formerly a broadcast interviewer and seeks to place pertinent questions to her guests for their responses. View the Interview Collection on our YouTube channel.
Retirees Forum Q&A Session
Stay tuned for information regarding upcoming Q&A Sessions!