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Singer-songwriter Danah-Lee will perform live at Cressy Glenora United Church on Saturday, Nov 18th at 2pm. (Doors open 1:30). Admission is PWYC (pay what you can) to benefit our new Affirming Ministry. THANK YOU DANAH-LEE! Reception to follow. RSVP appreciated but not required at cressyglenorachurch@gmail.com Danah-Lee Website: https://www.danahleemusic.com Church website: https://cressyglenorauc.wixsite.com/website

Come and enjoy some wonderful music in March to bring out thoughts of spring! Concerts start at 12 noon in the sanctuary each Wednesday in March (1, 8, 15, 22, 29). Bring your lunch and stay for a social time afterward in the gym. Tea and coffee provided.