Jonathan is a Mohawk-European Christian musician from Tyendinaga Mohawk territory who performs concerts all over the US and Canada mostly in Indigenous Communities. His events bring a powerful Christian message to those who attend with lots of stories from Jonathan's life experiences and contacts with people from all walks of life. You will be uplifted and enchanted by his music!
Tag: Music
I’m sure you’ve heard of Choir! Choir! Choir! In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the United Church of Canada Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon is hosting: UKE! UKE! UKE! On Sunday, April 6 at 2pm Ukulele groups and/or individuals are invited. Don’t play? Come and sing along! Song sheets with simple chords will be posted for all to see and will include selections from Gospel, Rock and Roll, Country and Folk Space is limited so please register in advance ASAP by email to...
The Country Church Players present "The Quinte Revue", a light-hearted musical history of the Bay of Quinte area. The first performance will take place at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 9 at Rednersville Albury Community Church, 2681 Rednersville Road, with proceeds going to the StoreHouse Food Bank in Wellington. The second show will be held at Trenton United Church, 85 Dundas St. E., at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 10. The cost is $10 for adults, and $5 for children under 12. Come out and...
Enjoy an evening of gospel, blues, folk and more on Sunday, June 23, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Performers are Don Bailey, Carol King, Rick Pauls, Bob McKeown, Katherine Fleming, and Bob Watson, No admission charge; freewill offering to help send three Queensborough children to Camp Quin-Mo-Lac. Refreshments (coffee, tea, lemonade and cookies) to follow. For information, call Katherine Fleming (613-473-0815), Carol King (613-920-0047) or Katherine Sedgwick (613-473-2110).