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Equity and Accessibility Resources

The United Church of Canada and the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) is committed to becoming an open, accessible, and barrier-free church, where there is full participation of people with disabilities. Consider how your community of faith can become a more accessible one for people with a range of disabilities. The United Church of Canada’s Accessibility Audit for Communities of Faith might help move in the right direction.

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Accessibility Audit For Communities of Faith in The United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada has made a commitment to becoming a more open, accessible, and barrier-free church.
What might this mean for your community of faith? How might your congregation or ministry become a more
accessible one for people with a range of disabilities? View the accessibility audit by clicking this link: Accessibility Audit (united-church.ca)

This accessibility audit might help move in the right direction. For more information, visit Disability and Inclusion on
the United Church website by clicking this link: Disability, Accessibility and Inclusion | The United Church of Canada (united-church.ca)

Detailed Inventory for Communities of Faith (PDF)

The Detailed Inventory for Communities of Faith was developed in conjunction with the Accessibility Audit.

Disabilities and Inclusion – The Body of Christ Standing or Sitting (PDF) (Draft, Feb. 1, 2019)
Guidelines for using inclusive language in asking people to participate in the singing of hymns.

Contact Information

For more information about Equity/Accessibility, please email our Equity Forum at ecorcequity11@gmail.com or Karen Wilson (Staff Support) at kwilson@united-church.ca