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Author: Karen Wilson

HELP NEEDED Almost weekly it seems we get requests from congregations who are wishing to do pulpit supply. I often send them the names of the Licensed Lay Worship Leaders, Retired Ministers, and the names of other ministers who might be available. However I thought a more detailed list might make things easier for congregations looking to fill their pulpits on Sunday morning. Could you please fill in the form below. Any questions, please contact Darren at dliepold@united-church.ca [gravityform...

CONNECTING First Third Ministry Leaders (leaders of children, youth and young adults) I am hoping to connect leaders into smaller geographical areas so that we can support each other. Please pass this information on to anyone who is offering leadership in your communities of faith. Please use the link below to sign up for the 2023/2024 Leaders e-news sign up.  Any questions please email Sharon Hull @ shull@united-church.ca Also please join the zoom check in on the Third Tuesday of the month...

Leadership Counts The United Church is blessed to have rich diversity in its leadership. Our diversity makes us more capable of living out God’s mission in our world. In sometimes ground-breaking ways, the United Church has affirmed commitments to supporting the full participation of everyone. To help us more fully live out these commitments, we have been collecting data since November 2021, as part of the Leadership Counts voluntary survey to learn more about the breadth of identities present...

The East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) has Bursary money available to those who are Candidates in the Ordained or Diaconal streams and in school. This money has been made available from the bursary funds of the former Bay of Quinte Conference. The amount of bursaries each year is dependent upon the available funds in the bursary account as well as the number of Candidates applying. For more information and to apply, please visit ECORC Student Bursary Application - East Central...

A Message to Current and Future Voluntary Associate Ministers (Joel Miller) The deadline for submitting the VAM form is July 1st, 2023. The form (covering the period beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024) is now available on our website (link below). Completed forms should be sent to Joel Miller, Program Assistant to Executive Minister, via email jmiller@united-church.ca or by regular mail to 225 50th avenue, Lachine, Québec, H8T 2T7. Telephone inquiries accepted at 1.800.268.3781,...