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The UCW’s mission is to love God; foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality; and promote respect and love for all God’s creation.
Any woman “willing to contribute her prayers, gifts, and services for the work of the Church” may join the United Church Women (UCW). Along with providing important networking and social bonding opportunities, the UCW has led discussions on, for example, feminism and restorative justice. Indeed, says former Moderator Jordan Cantwell, United Church Women are the “hands and feet” of the church.
Our East Central Area Region UCW and its five Areas host over a dozen events a year. Look for posters and photos

East Central Ontario Region UCW LEADERSHIP

Leadership Team contact information is available from: Cheryl Mound: cdmound@gmail.com 613 395 0914


President Cheryl Mound

Past President/Nominations Marg Curtis

Vice-President Nora Darling

Secretary Freda Burns

Treasurer Carolyn Vanhorne-Coffey


Portfolio Chairs

Social Media Helen Cox

Leadership Development Nancy Sutherland

Program Development Mary Hobbs

Formation, Nurture, Justice Marilyn Rodger


Event Coordinators

2024 Midweek Alfreda Rupert

2024 Quin-Mo-Lac Weekend Marion McComb/Nora Darling

2025 Annual Anne Smith


Area Presidents/Contacts

Hills & Shores Marion McComb

Kawartha Highlands Roberta Plunkett

Kente Barbara Sararas

Lakeridge Karen Faux

Shining Waters Anne Smith


For Community of Faith: To unite women of the Community of Faith for the total mission of the Church and to provide a means through which we may express our loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study fellowship and service.

For Area UCW: To support and strengthen the work of the United Church Women in the local Community of Faith of the Area by providing opportunities for spiritual growth, Christian fellowship, and leadership development. To function with flexibility to meet the needs of its constituency and, in cooperation with Region, to develop new forms as required.

For Regional UCW: To strengthen and support the United Church Women in the Communities of Faith and other women’s groups where desired. To provide opportunity for spiritual growth, Christian fellowship, study and leadership development. To work with Area UCW’s within the Region and to maintain ties with the Regional governing bodies.

Upcoming Events

East Central Ontario Region UCW Annual Meeting

“Called by the Spirit” is the theme for a day of worship, music, fellowship and learning together with Elder Dorothy Taylor from Curve Lake First Nation, a representative of the Whan Shan Buddhist Garden near Peterborough. Get updates on our Student Minister Support Gifts, the National UCW Five Year Healing Fund Project; visit displays from Grand River Books, Fair Trade, El Salvador, Old Hay Bay and celebrate our 10th Anniversary as an Affirming Ministry with a special cake!

Registration Deadline – March 28.

Please visit the event page for more information and to register!

One of 16 UCW Regions in Canada - View Map

East Central Ontario Region United Church Women

One of 16 UCW Regions in Canada
working together for the total mission of the church.

Our UCW Region joins 1250 members from units in 73 Communities of Faith. ~ from 2024 Statistical Reports ~ through UCW Areas of:

Hills and Shores

Kawartha Highlands



Shining Waters

UCWs in Communities of Faith in the former Four Winds Area

To view the area map, please click HERE

UCW Projects/Healing Fund



For Student Ministers
East Central Ontario Region UCW continues the decades long tradition of providing gifts to Candidates for Ministry (Ordained or Diaconal); gifts are given during any three years of full or part time studies. No application is required. The amount of the gifts may vary from year to year. UCW groups donate to the Regional UCW Student Minister Support Fund through their Area UCW treasurers; each year, the amount available is divided equally between eligible candidates up to a maximum set by the Regional UCW executive. Information Brochure.


East Central Ontario Regional UCW Cross Cultural Experience Fund
East Central Ontario Region UCW continues to send a UCW representative on organized group visits to mission partners. Our reps commit to helping to spread the word about the work of our mission partners on their return. In recent years, we have participated in the ECORC pilgrimages to El Salvador, sending our rep, supporting other reps/mission work of the group as possible, and providing opportunities for our reps to spread the word at our events. How to Donate: Send donations through your Area UCW treasurer. Contact information is available from your Regional UCW president.


The National UCW 5 Year Project: NUCW: The Healing Fund
From 2023 to our next Anniversary in 2027, UCWs across Canada are supporting United Church Healing Fund projects that assist Indigenous Women, Children and Families to heal from the ongoing impacts of the residential school system. Each March and September, indigenous groups from throughout Canada may apply for grants up to $15,000. So far we have supported two projects:

  • Welcome Baby Bags: starting March 2023, we helped the Regina Native Outreach Ministry give supplies for mother and baby, a traditional medicine pouch, local support information, and a caring message to welcome new birth and let the Indigenous moms know they are not alone.
  • Healing in the Kitchen: starting March 2024, we are helping the Fort McKay Metis Association in northern Alberta hold a series of 10 workshops and traditional meals that fosters community building and mutual support. Workshops Include: Herbal Medicine and Plant Healing, Healing Practices through Storytelling, Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Traditional Jigging and Movement Therapy, Medicine Wheel and Holistic Healing, Traditional Healing from Loss, Self-Care and Healthy Living, The Role of Youth in the Community, Art Therapy, Building Healthy Families.

How to donate: Individuals or groups may donate through their presbyterial Area UCW Treasurer with a cheque payable to their Area UCW. OR to receive a tax receipt from the United Church Foundation – write a cheque payable to “The United Church of Canada” with IMPORTANT: “NUCW The Healing Fund” on the Memo Line. Mail to: The Healing Fund, The United Church of Canada 3250 Bloor St. West, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4

UCW Affirming Ministry


Led by the Holy Spirit, the United Church Women of East Central Ontario Region strive to honour and affirm all life. We celebrate the diversity and gifts of all of God’s creation. Click HERE to view the remainder of the Affirming document.

National UCW

National UCW: The National UCW brings together two representatives from each of the 16 UCW Regions in Canada to meet each September to make decisions and elect an executive. Every UCW member belongs to and is an important part of the National UCW.


The NUCW gives access to the following Resources:

  • UCW Handbook – Click HERE 
  • Life Memberships – In recognition of a UCW member’s service, a UCW group may choose to present them with a Life Membership, which is registered with the national office and confirmed through the presentation of a Life Membership Pin and Certificate. Full details on this honour are found in the UCW Guidelines; this handbook and the Life Membership Application Form are available HERE or access, fill, and instantly submit this electronic Life Membership Application Form


UCW Anniversary Materials and Gatherings: See ‘Keeping in Touch Newsletter’



  • The United Church
  • WICC (Woman’s Inter-church Council of Canada which hosts World Day of Prayer) Click HERE
  • Other interdenominational groups


Leadership Training Funds – The NUCW provides leadership training funds annually to every UCW region; they are used in by East Central Ontario Region UCW to support annual leadership training workshops – see postings in coming events.

  • Agatha Kaasa Grants – Click HERE: Any woman with United Church membership who is not in accountable paid ministry may apply annually for a grant to support leadership training, continuing education or projects or events promoting spiritual growth, mission/outreach, or ecumenical/interfaith discussion. The fund covers 1/3 of the cost up to a maximum of $1500. Applications deadlines: April 15 and October 15. Information & Application Form: UCW Handbook, p. 42-45
  • Dorothy Amos Grants – Click HERE: Any woman who is a UCW member may apply for funds to support greater connection of members of the UCW with church women in Canada and around the world. E.g., visits, exchanges, special events. Application Deadline: July 2. Information & Application Form: UCW Handbook, p. 46-48



  • UCW M&S Donations – In 2023 UCWs from throughout Canada donated $494,217.60 to M&S!
  • UCW Endowment Fund – A Lasting Gift to M&S set up by the National UCW in our 50th Anniversary Year to honour all the work done by UCW members. A gift in memory or in honour of a UCW member becomes part of a lasting gift to M&S. Each year the NUCW sends interest from the fund to M&S. How to donate: Send a cheque payable to the “United Church of Canada” with “UCW Endowment Fund” on the memo line. Mail to: United Church of Canada Foundation, 3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 200, Toronto ON M8X 2Y4. You may include a note with the name of the woman to be remembered/honoured and the family will be notified that a gift has been made. A tax receipt will be issued for personal donations.
  • Five Year Mission Projects – See Projects/The Healing Fund