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The ECORC Licensed Lay Worship Leaders (LLWLs) Forum

A Forum to support the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) Covenant Support Team and the ECORC Pastoral Relations Minister in recruiting, training, interviewing, and recommending the licensing of Licensed Lay Worship Leaders (LLWLs).

A licensed lay worship leader is a full member of the United Church of Canada who has been determined to have gifts and a sense of call to the ministry of worship leadership and preaching, and who has developed these gifts through participation in a course of study and is licensed by a regional council.

**Also, check out the LLWL NETWORK webpage which provides specific details on the wider group that includes all current LLWL’s and students in the online/United in Learning LLWL Program. (just click LLWL NETWORK above to be taken directly to the Network page)

Is your church looking for Sunday pulpit supply?  Who are you going to call?  Consult this list for available LLWL support:  ECORC – List of Approved LLWLs (21) Available for Pulpit Supply (as of January 25, 2025).  This current list includes 21 LLWL’s that are available for pulpit supply, other than their home community of faith.  There are presently 25 approved Licensed Lay Worship Leaders (LLWLs) within ECORC – last confirmed and celebrated at the regional Fall/2024 meeting in Brighton.

$254 per Sunday is the 2024 Pulpit Supply rate. This preaching rate is for the day, not per number of services provided on a given Sunday. The 2025 mileage reimbursement rate is 55c/km., based on return trip kilometre total from the LLWL’s home location.  Please contact Paul Kneebone (LLWL Forum – Secretary) if you require further information.

Note to all church Treasurers and LLWLs:  The Canada Revenue Agency requires that a T4A be issued by a congregation to any individual(s) who have been compensated over $500 in a calendar year for their services, such as honorariums or pulpit supply payments. The amount should be reported in Box 48 – “Fees for Service”. *Since LLWLs are categorized by CRA as private contractors, these issued T4A’s should include both the pulpit supply fee AND mileage compensation totals.  It is incumbent on all churches to properly issue these completed T4A’s to fulfill their CRA requirements.


  • To support the East Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) Covenant Support Team and the ECORC Pastoral Relations Minister in recruiting, training, interviewing, and recommending the licensing of Licensed Lay Worship Leaders (LLWLs).
  • For Licensed Lay Worship Leaders to support each other as a community of practice.

East Central Ontario Regional Council – A Guide for LLWLs and Communities of Faith in ECORC – as of December-2024.



Membership includes representative ordained clergy serving in the East Central Ontario region, the ECORC pastoral relations minister, and a number of LLWLs serving in the region. The LLWLs serving on the Forum should also represent a range of geographical locations.

Current members of the ECORC – LLWL FORUM (as of December 17, 2024)


Minimum of four a year in addition to any meetings required for the licensing of new LLWLs, organizing learning opportunities, etc. See list of meetings below.


Accountable to and directed by the ECORC Covenant Support Team, the ECORC Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Forum shall:

  • oversee the licensing and license renewal process for LLWLs in the East Central Ontario region.
  • members of the Forum conduct interviews with new LLWL candidates and recommend individuals for licensing and renewal to the Covenant Support Team (CST).
  • provide recommendations to the CST on policies and procedures related to the work of LLWLs, and receive and respond to input from the LLWL Network.
  • help ensure clear communication and accountability, linking LLWLs with other levels of the ECORC.  It is the main official channel of communication between the LLWL Network and the Covenant Support Team. LLWL members of the CST will also provide information to the Network.
  • the names of LLWLs shall be circulated within the East Central Ontario Regional Council as those lay people who have been licensed and are approved to lead worship throughout the ECORC.
  • encourage on-going learning and seek to provide opportunities for further development of LLWLs skills through training and education, in partnership with the ECORC Covenant Support Team.  Support the LLWL Network by organizing one or two learning opportunities a year for all LLWLs and students.

Please contact Paul Kneebone (LLWL Forum – Secretary) if you require further information.


Many lay people are called to courageously step forward to give leadership in worship. Those who participate in a Licensed Lay Worship Leader (LLWL) Program are choosing to develop their leadership gifts further.  We welcome you to explore the possibility of becoming a Licensed Lay Worship Leader (LLWL). United in Learning offers a two-year online training program.  Here are three documents to get you started on that possible journey.

  • Are you feeling a persistent nudge or calling to be a part of the lay ministry in our region of the United Church of Canada? Hear what some of our own region’s LLWL’s have to say – Recruitment Information
  • Two other documents provide further details about this unique and dynamic national online learning program:  OVERVIEW and BROCHURE


Secondary contact: 


Phone: 1-800-268-3781 Ext. 6116
Email: Dliepold@united-church.ca